Start With Interaction Active
Determines whether the interaction should be automatically activated on Begin Play.
Determines whether detection should be relative to the character or to the center of the camera.
Determines the collision channel for object detection.
Determines the radius of the detection sphere.
Determines the delay between each detection trace. (in seconds)
Determines the main text that should appear on the widget.
Determines the tooltip text that should appear on the widget.
Max Hover Distance from Character
Determines the maximum distance from the interactor character.
Max Hover Distance from Screen Center
Determines the maximum distance from the screen center to the interactor.
Determines the maximum distance from the interactor character to allow interaction.
Determines whether the interactable should be detected if there is an object between the interactor and the interactable.
Allow Interaction When Obstructed
Determines whether the interaction should be allowed if there is an object between the interactor and the interactable.
Obstruction Trace Channel
Determines the collision channel for the obstruction trace.
An array of the possible keys for interaction on this interactable.
The type of interaction. (Press / Hold)
The time needed to interact. (If interaction Type is Hold)
Delay Between Interaction
Determines the delay between interaction. (in seconds)