Last updated 1 month ago
All the functions bellow are blueprint accessible.
Used to determine if the detection is active or not.
Used to tell the component that the player has pressed the interaction input.
Used to get a copy of the interactable data.
Used to check if the interaction for this interactable is active.
Used to check the progress of the interaction with this interactable.
Used to know if the interactable is being overlapped by the local player. (Not networked)
Used to know if the interactable is being hovered by the local player. (Not networked)
Used to determine if the detection is active or not for this interactable.
Used to set the interactable data based on a data table row.
Used to change the display text.
Used to change the tooltip text.
Used to change the interaction duration in runtime
void SetDetectionActive ( const bool bNewActive );
void InteractionInput ( FString Key, bool bPressed );
FInteractableData GetInteractableData() const;
bool IsInteractionActive() const;
float GetInteractionTime() const;
bool GetIsBeingOverlapped() const;
bool GetIsBeingHovered() const
void SetInteractionActive ( bool bNewActive );
void SetInteractableDataBasedOnDataTable ( UDataTable* DataTable, FName RowName );
void SetDisplayText ( const FText NewText );
void SetTooltipText ( const FText NewText );
void SetInteractionDuration ( float NewDuration );